concerts 12/14 December
The CKS will perform in Montreal and Toronto in December.
Montreal: December 12th, 8pm, Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur, 100 rue Sherbrooke Est, QC H2X 1C3, (514) 872-5338, FREE (presented by Codes d'acces).
Toronto: December 14th, 8pm, The Music Gallery, 197 John Street, ON M5T 1X6, (416) 204-1080, $15 regular, $10 member, senior & student.
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After Cage: Improvisation for two toy pianos and toy percussion *
Tawnie Olson (Canada) La folia (2008) for harpsichord * (Commissioned by Katelyn Clark with Canada Council for the Arts)
Christopher Burns (USA) Xerox Book (2001) for piano and percussion (selections)
Karlheinz Essl (Austria) Kalimba (2005) for toy piano and fixed media and Listen Thing version for toy piano * (Toronto only)
Improvisation for Hyper-kalimba (2008) developed by Fernando Rocha (Brazil) and Joseph Malloch (Canada)
György Ligeti (Hungary) Continuum (1968) for harpsichord
Chris Paul Harman (Canada) After Schumann (2008) for piano *
Michel Frigon (Canada) Stock (2008) for vibraphone (Montreal only) *
Erik Ross (Canada) Reflection for vibraphone and fixed media (Toronto only) *
Emily Hall (Canada) Tidal Trio (2008) for piano, harpsichord and percussion *